OGY : 41 years old
My mother is Algerian and my dad is Black, American-Indian, and Irish. When I was born, I was born with a full head of black curly hair.
I would look at look at all the cheerleaders with long hair and I'd be like, "I want long hair. I want to be cute, but I couldn't be. I didn't look like that.” I looked at all the princesses on TV and I was like, "They all have long hair. I'm not going to look like that." Nobody looked like me anyway.
They didn't know what to do with my hair and they would put a crazy hot iron on it; the really strong one that would like literally make my hair break at the ends. There's this drive of, "If I fix my hair, everything in the world will be fine. My world will be fine; it'll be in control."